Will an Amp change improve my system ?

My system is WiiM pro ( a great device for $149 !) and a Cambridge CXC V2 CD transport for digital input going into a Schiit Yggdrasil+ DAC going to a Schiit Freya+ preamp into a PS Audio S300 amp into Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers. I am considering replacing the S300 with one of the following: PASS XA-25, Coda S5.5, Benchmark AHB2, or tube Primaluna EVO 400, used Rogers EHF-100 or 200, used Luxman MQ 88uc. I like my current system and wonder if an amp change would improve it significantly ?


Showing 1 response by steve59

I demoed a half a dozen amps that all sounded the same from Nac, B&K, NAD, Sunfire, RGR and a couple others that made no difference. When I stepped up and tried a Krell product I was impressed at how much smoother music was. All those 200 wpc 'budget' amps sounded hard and unforgiving once I turned the volume up while the Krell, with the same power rating was able to play louder without the speakers shouting at me. 

Don't be afraid to listen to products above your budget even if only to hear what you're missing, or not.