Will an Amp change improve my system ?

My system is WiiM pro ( a great device for $149 !) and a Cambridge CXC V2 CD transport for digital input going into a Schiit Yggdrasil+ DAC going to a Schiit Freya+ preamp into a PS Audio S300 amp into Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers. I am considering replacing the S300 with one of the following: PASS XA-25, Coda S5.5, Benchmark AHB2, or tube Primaluna EVO 400, used Rogers EHF-100 or 200, used Luxman MQ 88uc. I like my current system and wonder if an amp change would improve it significantly ?


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

A note, on your list are radically (!) different sounding amps. The Pass will be very natural sounding, and perform as if it has much more power than the specs would suggest. I think it would be an excellent choice to help your system be much more musical. On the other hand Benchmark (or the Luxman to a bit lessor extent)is highly detailed oriented and is going to reinforce the leanness of the other components in your system. One of the big differences in better systems is they can be more fleshed out and sound much more natural sounding. The CODA will be in between. If you like a very detailed analytical and a strong bass slap (somewhat artificial) the the Benchmark Luxman side, CODA in the middle as is the Rouge (although it is tubed… it doesn’t have the refinement of better tube designs) or the Pass for more musical and natural.


I prefer nartural and musical sound that is still detailed, not in your face, but laid back with a deep - wide sound field… I’d choose the Pass. I had a Pass amps for several decades.