Will an Amp change improve my system ?

My system is WiiM pro ( a great device for $149 !) and a Cambridge CXC V2 CD transport for digital input going into a Schiit Yggdrasil+ DAC going to a Schiit Freya+ preamp into a PS Audio S300 amp into Harbeth 30.2 XD speakers. I am considering replacing the S300 with one of the following: PASS XA-25, Coda S5.5, Benchmark AHB2, or tube Primaluna EVO 400, used Rogers EHF-100 or 200, used Luxman MQ 88uc. I like my current system and wonder if an amp change would improve it significantly ?


Showing 2 responses by chenry

"I like my current system and wonder if an amp change would improve it significantly ?"


Probably not. If you are using the Schiit front end components and already are using the tube section on your Freya+, adding more tube amp effect or Class-A in lower-power amps won't likely add much to a system you already enjoy that has 140 WPC.

Your system seems already thoughtfully worked through with very good quality components. The Freya+ is an excellent preamp in the kind of system you have, it affords you three different processing modes, two with gain, one with tube gain and tube rolling is very easy if you are inclined to experiment. The Freya+ volume control is very precise. (It is easy to understand why that preamp is so popular.) Your amp is high quality with plenty of headroom. With what you have already, I doubt adding class A amplification or a tube amp will do all that much to improve what you already like in the room you have with the system you have. Pairing a tube preamp with a good quality solid state power amp is an excellent way to get the "tube sound"--the warmth, "airiness" and expanded soundstage everyone using tube gear seeks--while getting the power you need to drive low-sensitivity speakers in the 85dB range. If you want to try some small adjustments, changing out the tubes in the Freya+ would be the place to start.