Will a USB hub affect the stream?

I have a Marantz HD-DAC1, which I use as my source for my Parasound preamp, which in turn is powered by my PS Audio Stellar S300 amp. My sources are three separate PC's, but the DAC only has one USB input along with two SPDIF inputs. Presently I am using all three but would prefer to use USB for all of the PC's. The question I have of you great folks is will a USB hub be better than using the SPDIF inputs on the Marantz; that is, instead of using the SPDIF inputs, just plugging in the hub into the one USB input? 

Thanks so much,

jonny b



The easy answer is yes,   Everything matters. But, and there can be a lot of buts. Age, hearing, room, quality of the complete system, listening habits and many more things that I’m not thinking of at the moment.

I used an USB, A/B switch behind a streamer and a hard drive on my system and I would say I heard a dulling of the sound, but maybe you won’t.  Buy the splitter and see what happens. I will also say that USB cables can make a difference to, but…

All the best.