Will a Full Page Ad Guarantee a Review?

Do you think there is a correlation between the two? Zucable has a full page ad in a major pub. How many months will that have to run to guarantee a review?

Showing 2 responses by ckorody

So riddle me this...

Let's suppose for a moment that those sneaky manufacturers are actually throwing not only free gear but advertising dollars at magazines in the vain hope of letting us know their products exist and are available

And let's suppose that those completely unprincipled magazine reviewers, editors and publishers are busy trading editorial coverage for free gear and advertising dollars...

Now what?

Do you support the manufacturer that you've never heard of and can't find?

Do you automatically ignore any review which carries a manufacturers ad?

Help me out here - I too desperately want to do the right thing!
One of the basic truths in advertising is that ads are more credible when the brand or product is supported by public relations - especially in the form of third party endorsements (real or implied) such as a review.

Meaning that manufacturers know that running an ad in an issue that carries a review provides a measurable way to leverage their investment.

At the same time, as Pableson pointed out, publishers know that people read magazines to find out about the latest and greatest - this is especially true in the world of buff books (specialty or enthusiast mags)

So a model has evolved based on this "synergy" - the third leg of which are the tradeshows where each year the hot new things are discovered and the review calendar is planned for the year.

Along with hifi, I am into photography, sailing, gardening, cooking and wine and I assure you this same model is at work in all of them.