Will 12 inch subwoofer be enough for an 18x20 room (with 10 ft cielings)

This is an open floor plan that opens up into a very small kitchen area then narrow hallway. Will this be enough? Room layout dictates I can't have more than one sub.

Showing 2 responses by soix

Blast that room dictator! Who does he think he is to tell you what you can and cannot do?
Yeah, he’s a bad dude just like his evil brother the cabinet dictator.  Really hate that guy too.  Lest we not forget the mother of them all — the wife dictator.  Dedicated rooms and divorce are the best weapons we audiophiles have against such injustice.  Yeah they’re expensive, but you get what you pay for. 

I have an SVS SB2000 (sealed box) that has a 12” driver and goes down to 19Hz within 3dB.  I have a similarly-sized room that opens to two medium-sized rooms, and with the right movie the floors literally shake so I doubt you’d have a problem with the “enough” part.  You don’t really give enough detail to go any further than that though.  FWIW.