WiFi Streaming Versus An Ethernet Cable Connection

Hey All,

I have a fairly new Bryston BDP 3 streamer/renderer. I haven't been all that happy with the sound of streaming on Qobuz. However may local files on my SSD sound astonishing. The router I'm using is standard for 500 GB but it's nothing special. I'm currently connected to my BDP 3 with a utilitarian 7 cat ethernet cable. Instead of buying a better modem/router and audiophile ethernet cable, I'm considering Bryston's WiFi dongle. Anybody familiar with wireless HiFi streaming? Thanks!


Showing 2 responses by thyname

@james633 :

You guys must all have golden ears lol. I can’t hear a difference.

I am so sorry. I feel about you.

Abort the pursuit ASAP




Forget Cin Dyment for a moment….


And forget bandwidth for a moment as well…


And certainly disregard whatever Freddy says….


What is wi-fi? An “antenna “ so to speak, converting the internet signal for your streamer. Very simplistic, I know. You really think there is no audible noise from the conversion process bringing internet streaming to your streamer? Think. Antennae. In other words, look it up. Google it. No electrical noise ?


Obviously as @audphile1 says:


Before spending money on all these tweaks, invest in better quality components. No switch or ethernet tweak will bridge the gap between a low/midfi component and a high end one. No matter how many of these tweaks you throw at it. You just can’t polish the turd.

So yeah, there is that. Don’t expect magic.