Wife trouble

Bought Def. Tech. 8040 Towers for living room for my first dive into audio world.  Because I love music, I really enjoy the sound over TV. My wife fell in love with a huge console that spans the length of LR wall and so towers will not work. 8040's are bipolar and need space to breath. What to do?

Showing 1 response by bondmanp

My vote is for a basement Man Cave.  I have had mine since 1994, and it works great.  I put all my old gear in the den, so nobody feels bad that I won't show them how to operate my big rig.  I can crank it without disturbing people upstairs, and I get everything in black, so new gear doesn't call attention to itself.  No WAF issues whatsoever.  Plus, if I do get any grief, I just pull up some of her recent credit card bills, and that's the end of that.