Wife trouble

Bought Def. Tech. 8040 Towers for living room for my first dive into audio world.  Because I love music, I really enjoy the sound over TV. My wife fell in love with a huge console that spans the length of LR wall and so towers will not work. 8040's are bipolar and need space to breath. What to do?

Showing 1 response by asvjerry

Spouse likes my hobby, but demands simple functionality.  OK....

Simple system in 'common' living space:  TV, receiver, DVD with CD function, and sat system.  Still too many remotes for her tastes, but got it down to 2 for the most common uses....

Main system in our 'uncommon' shared space (has her exercise bike, sauna, and 'puttering' table) is a whole different story...

Main is Very Complicated, but very adaptable per my desires.  The addition of a 'stand alone' receiver that's tied into it allows for her to play what she desires to watch or hear with a minimum of 'fiddling with switches' makes for martial detente'.

It took awhile to develop this...she's suffered through many systems through 30+ years that joking got referred to as the 'third member of the household'.  Current main system is admittedly beyond anything she's lived with (2 TT, 2 cassettes, CD, Eq, stand alone Xover, 3 switch matrix, 12 channels of amplification, a TV, a sub, and a computer...oh, and a mob of speakers of various sorts) so I was happy to respond to her request for 'something I can just turn on and just be able to listen to music'.

If you love her and would like her to respond to you with the same, be a gentleman and 'do the right thing'.  We all have enough stress in our lives already...your pursuit of audio nirvana should include her if she isn't deaf.  Making it look good and perhaps not so intimidating can be a plus.  Making it simple enough that she could perhaps listen to something that you personally can't stand but 'floats her boat' will almost get you to 'hero status'.

Been there, did that...works for me, might for you. ;)