Wife opened door to build my best ever system...ideas for what it should be?

Long ago investment that had languished for decades suddenly was transformed in value and is going to pay out. While the bulk of the money will help with our retirement, my wife suggested that this is the opportunity for me to "buy the system you always wanted but never had the chance to buy".....I am figuring on $10-20k to do this. I am presently fairly happy with my speakers (Ohm Walsh 2-100s, Kef R300s) and my sources (Sony SACD 5400ES, Marantz SA8006) but think my power sources have room for improvement (Acurus R11, McIntosh MC250, Marantz PM8005). Dont have a dedicated room though if we are able to buy a new house from this that is my BIG DREAM? For now, the 2 systems, which I would like to edit down to 1 with 1 set of power amps, are in my LR which is a bit cluttered but what I have. I listen to jazz, blues, rock, classical, acoustic music, Hawaiian slack key, bluegrass, female vocals...about 5000 CDs. There is no real shop locally, no techs, here in Hawaii but my in laws are in DE where I have been to Overture alot as well as a few other shops in PA, NJ. I expect it will probably be 6-9 months before I am in the place to spend the money and also hopefully to get off the rock and travel safely. So, its a good time for research and strategizing...especially under the pandemic. I think the amplification is focus one but maybe I need to think bigger and upgrade my speakers too? I cant get anything bigger than the Ohms and the room (12 deep by 18 wide by 9-14 feet high) will absorb only some much energy. I have never owned tubes and am intrigued although concerned about the heat during summer...I do have AC but also the US' most expensive power utility. My mind goes to things like McIntosh MC275 or MA7000, maybe Pass (never heard it), frankly never put a fantasy system together because I didnt see it happening...
Any and all suggestions are appreciated. I figure I will put a list together then down the road spend time on the Mnld and do lots of listening for system synergy...then hopefully be able to buy and ship and in a year have a new system....

Showing 1 response by noble100

atmasphere:" I would start with the Swarm subwoofer system."

+1 For all the reasons he listed.

     A complete Audio Kinesis Swarm or Debra 4-sub distributed bass array (DBA) system is a bargain at only about $3,000 and will provide near sota bass performance throughout your entire room. Getting the bass sounding and feeling right is typically the most difficult thing to do with any audio system.
     A DBA will provide a powerful, dynamic, solid, smooth, fast and very realistic bass foundation to all your music. I believe powerful, dynamic, visceral, palpable and natural bass reproduction is the biggest single distinguishing characteristic between an audio system that sounds and feels like a hi-fi system playing prerecorded music and a system that sounds and feels like you’re listening to music played live in your living room or have been transported to the recording’s musical venue and are listening live to the performance.
     The distinction will be very obvious with a properly setup and configured DBA, the bass will integrate seamlessly with your main speakers no matter which brand, size or type of main speakers you utilize and music listening sessions will be transformed into visceral, palpable and very high quality musical experiences that are extremely enjoyable.
     I realize my description of the DBA concept likely sounds like hyperbole and too good to be true to you. However, I’m fairly certain that even a brief home audition would convince you of the concept’s extraordinary effectiveness.
     I’m not associated with Audio Kinesis in any way, other than being an owner and user of the AK Debra 4-sub DBA complete kit system for the past 5+ years, and a big fan. I think you’ll almost certainly become a big fan, too, if you decide to audition one in your room.

Best of wishes,