Wife/girlfriend or audio: if you had to chose?

Say your wife or girlfriend (no kid involved) asked you to drop your passion for audio, sell your system and settle for a Bose Wave box - because she thinks that your hobby is a barely grown-up kid toy story that needs to stop (either invasive or expensive or just ridiculous to her friends and family).
What do you do? keep wife/girlfriend or your gear?
Just respond: Audio or Wife and in brackets years of relationship...

Audio (21)!

Showing 2 responses by cytocycle

Look women are like tube systems; they need constant attention and make noises all the time and you can't figure out where the noise is coming from and biasing sometimes becomes futile......

So I went solidstate (and wish I had the patience and time for tubes) and still date...... my view is get all your toys in order and then compromising later is less of an issue because they know what they are getting into...

Plus catching your girlfriend surfing on the tabletpc while watching the 103" projector and talking on the VOIP phone with a glass a wine.... You know she isn't going to ask you to get rid of technology... Oh yeah make sure to get her a bluetooth wireless headset for her cellphone...
Andrewdoan: I learned that if you don't let them move in, it's not that expensive..... at least my stereo system is consistent so it's ok if the women are variable?

Plus the less time I spend on Agon the more money to go out with the ladies.. Remember always go to their place; never your place on the first 3 dates (sets the wrong expectations...)