Wi Fi and Hi Fi

Anyone in Audiogon land using Wi Fi (802-11b or 802-11g) to connect their computers to high speed internet?

Are there any issues with noise or interference with nearby high end audio components?

High speed is finally coming to our neighborhood via cable and I am looking at alternatives to connect our five computers.
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Showing 1 response by tireguy

At my place we ran a wireless and had problems with it slowing down as Jeff said things got real slow(we had three machines here at that time)- between me and you I think it was all the porn my father was downloading! We went wired and it was cheap, easy and no more problems at all with speed. As for interference with the audio system I didn't notice any difference at all with either LAN. The other problem with amplifing the signal on a wireless network is that it can be pirated and in my area there were a lot of problems with people cloning your ID and using it for less then honorable uses(just like the early days of cell phones). With a wired network that isn't near as big of a problem, if a problem at all.