Why the limit on warranty to subsequent purchasor?

I have been looking into picking up a used high end CD player but I am finding that warranties are not transferrable from the original owner? I don't understand this. Maybe on a $500 unit, but a $5000 unit with no transferrable warranty, it makes me want to run from that manufacturer.

Showing 2 responses by sugarbrie

You are paying for the transferrable warranty. The company builds the potential future cost into the price. Many used buyers may not know the warranty is still good, since the manual or card is gone. The company profits more.

Since most gear breaks in the first year, or not at all, the company profit again.

If you want an example, go price a new Dell Computer online. The better the warranty you choose, the more the computer costs. Dell must make a fortune on them, because computers are usually DOA or break within 6 months; or they work until obsolete.
Bryston's sole claim to fame being the warranty (and durability) speaks for itself. Better to have your claim to fame be sound quality.