I don’t see how you can say this other than by ignoring at least half the comments posted on this thread. Have you been reading them? Any of them? The whole thread is a virtual refutation of everything you just said.
You think one Stereophile cover 25 years ago makes your point? I went shopping for my first real system upgrade in 1973 at the age of 16. There was no Stereophile or any other advertising I was aware of back then to sway me. I simply went around to every store and listened to everything and figured out for myself that integrateds had by far the most performance for the money. Not receivers. Integrateds. If there was any sell-job by the industry it was for receivers. But if it was it was a bad one. Anyone doing what I did, actually comparing and listening, would figure out the integrated is the sweet-spot.
One last thing, just to highlight the extent of your illogic. You say you’re a skeptic. Then you conclude with, "Unquestionably yes."
I’m a little hazy on my definitions. Help me out. Skeptic. Unquestioning. These go together how?
I, being a skeptic, don’t claim to be right, but only offer the humble suggestion that integrated amps are a solution for a problem that never was. Whatever is old is new again. A Krell integrated graced the cover of Stereophile 25 years ago with the immortal caption, "What the Krell?". It failed on measurements and consumer satisfaction despite delivering name cache combined with lower price. Can an integrated offer state of the art sound? Unquestionably yes. Is the fact that every major manufacturer and their sister is offering an integrated a sell-job by the industry? IMHO, unquestionably yes.
I don’t see how you can say this other than by ignoring at least half the comments posted on this thread. Have you been reading them? Any of them? The whole thread is a virtual refutation of everything you just said.
You think one Stereophile cover 25 years ago makes your point? I went shopping for my first real system upgrade in 1973 at the age of 16. There was no Stereophile or any other advertising I was aware of back then to sway me. I simply went around to every store and listened to everything and figured out for myself that integrateds had by far the most performance for the money. Not receivers. Integrateds. If there was any sell-job by the industry it was for receivers. But if it was it was a bad one. Anyone doing what I did, actually comparing and listening, would figure out the integrated is the sweet-spot.
One last thing, just to highlight the extent of your illogic. You say you’re a skeptic. Then you conclude with, "Unquestionably yes."
I’m a little hazy on my definitions. Help me out. Skeptic. Unquestioning. These go together how?