Why so many DCS for sale recently?

Have you noticed the recent volume of DCS equipment for sale? What happened? Why is so much on the market today? Most of this equipment seems only a few months old? It's very interesting equipment to me and I've considered buying some.

Showing 2 responses by dennzio

Cheaper ways to upsample
" I think people see that upsampling can be done fairly cheaply...such as the MSB Platinum Link for around $3,000. Even the Gold Link III, which I bought for $999"
Wow, your idea of cheap and mine differ. Is this really a discernable $3,000 upgrade or are we freaking idiots for buying this stuff? Hell, for 3,000 bucks you can buy a real world good sounding system. As Andrew might say "the price is the product. Suckers. PT Barnum would have loved this business.
My comments were made out of pure envy. I wish I could afford to sink thousands of dollars into gear, but I have two kids in college. Some day....