Why so many angry audiophiles?

Just wondering. Music is supposed to soothe the soul. If you are in reasonably good health for your age, have a good system and good music to play on it you have it pretty good it seems to me. These are blessings! Be thankful for what you got?

Just a thought.  That's how I see it.

Showing 3 responses by tomcy6

asvjerry, It would be better if you advised against discussing politics without slipping yours into the post.
I suppose in practical terms, it is just bad internet manners.  We all get angry and post at times, but maybe we can just try to not respond to the worst offenders.  Maybe they'll get tired of talking to themselves and try to be a little more civil.
We have lost our way spiritually or humanistically, whichever you prefer.

For some, it is not enough to have a great stereo system, yours must be better than everyone else’s and you have to hammer at that point until the losers admit it.

We are among the most prosperous, the most free, the best fed, the most comfortable, the most entertained people the world has ever known; but it doesn’t make us happy. We have to complain about what we don’t have and we have to get others to admit that what we have is better than what they have.

Maybe learning to appreciate what we have and sharing it with others would make us happier. I don’t know, but what we’re doing now doesn’t seem to be working.