Why so few non entry level battery operated dac with built in sd card input and streaming

I am using a chord mojo with the chord poly as my digital source with my pass monoblocks and pass preamp and harbeth 40.2 and am amazed how excellent the sound is ...

I get chord dacs are excellent but the poly makes it so convenient because you can use the phone to select the music to play on the SD card inside the poly which can store up to 512GB of music files.

Lots of dacs out there but few quality dacs also allow you to input sd cards into them .....no USB card needed....no long ethernet cable needed to connect to your home router....no sound compromise using wireless streaming (although the poly also offers imho pretty good wireless streaming as well as tidal and qobuz)

Is there any other higher end DAC similar to chord poly combo that is battery operated and allows direct sd card music storage input.....

I am more into analog but color me impressed...

I was gonna buy a pricier chord like the chord qutest but no poly or sd card input option nor battery option....

Lots of chord mojo sold here used surprisingly but with the poly seems great value especially if can get combo used for $1000


PS I thought having to use a 3.5mm to RCA adapter to connect chord poly output to preamp would degrade sound but seems not....


Showing 1 response by yyzsantabarbara


They have SD card but not battery. They top end DACS in their lineup are fantastic, via USB and the SD card ($6K+).