Why Power Cables Affect Sound

I just bought a new CD player and was underwhelmed with it compared to my cheaper, lower quality CD player. That’s when it hit me that my cheaper CD player is using an upgraded power cable. When I put an upgraded power cable on my new CD player, the sound was instantly transformed: the treble was tamed, the music was more dynamic and lifelike, and overall more musical. 

This got me thinking as to how in the world a power cable can affect sound. I want to hear all of your ideas. Here’s one of my ideas:

I have heard from many sources that a good power cable is made of multiple gauge conductors from large gauge to small gauge. The electrons in a power cable are like a train with each electron acting as a train car. When a treble note is played, for example, the small gauge wires can react quickly because that “train” has much less mass than a large gauge conductor. If you only had one large gauge conductor, you would need to accelerate a very large train for a small, quick treble note, and this leads to poor dynamics. A similar analogy might be water in a pipe. A small pipe can react much quicker to higher frequencies than a large pipe due to the decreased mass/momentum of the water in the pipe. 

That’s one of my ideas. Now I want to hear your thoughts and have a general discussion of why power cables matter. 

If you don’t think power cables matter at all, please refrain from derailing the conversation with antagonism. There a time and place for that but not in this thread please. 

Showing 14 responses by clearthink

It really is interesting, provocative, and revealing that there are so many contributors to this forum who are so linguistically limited, challenged, and incompetent that they must essentially and practically resort to hieroglyphics in order to be able to communicate with those who are literate it is a real reflection on the quality of their education.

e only want to hear what we agree with no free speach Zone please it hurts feeling"

If you're feelings are hurt or you are embarassed, uncomfortable, or confused by simple, demonstrable, and obvious truths then I would say you must not have tried better quality power cables as have others here who have reported they're experiences so I suggest, encourage, and recommend that you try to improve the low quality cables that it appears you are using based on your language here. The extraordinary performance of my primary music reproduction system is very much built on the foundation, basis, and science of the Aluminata AC cords that I referenced previously in this thread.

"You want me banned? (Mods, that’s fine by me.)"

Only if you refuse to follow the rules and deny others they’re say consistent with the OP’s request and definition of this thread and if having you banned is fine with you than I say what are we waiting for good riddance!
It is notable, remarkable and confounding that in the year almost 2019 we are still pretending to "debate" weather power cords make a difference when it is obvious that they can make a difference in high-resolution music reproduction systems as has been heard and reported by so many here and elsewhere and can easily, readily, and reliably be confirmed by others if they care to listen to such a system at least for those who "know" how to listen. You need not spend a fortune to attain improved power cord performance such as the  Aluminata AC cords of which I have several and these cost about $3,500 USD each although you can sometimes get a small discount in my country. I recommend these without qualification, hesitation, or caveat other than the caution that of course synergy is important and no one cable, cord, or anything else will prove to be the "best" in every system I think we can agree I hope.

This is simple fact, truth, and demonstrated reality and anyone who attempts to ridicule, humiliate, or chastise me for stating the simple, plain, and accepted truth will be reported to the moderators who are obviously monitoring, managing, and controlling this thread for which I am grateful.

this is a forum, which, by definition invites debate."

The forum has rules which you apparently feel you can unilaterally dictate, define, and ignore at your sole discretion, determination, and authority I am alerting moderators to your spam, abuse, and winkly dinkler posture you are preventing the free exchange of ideas, information, and experiences you are a troll who has come here to argue, disrupt, and insult you are probably a child of about the age of 10.
djones51"So ARC sells good amps and tosses in a cable as an afterthought. Great marketing strategy. "

ARC is a very successful, long standing, time honored manufacturer of components for use in music reproduction systems so it is likely, probable, and nearly certain they they know more about marketing, electronics, and cables than you do. 
kosst_amojan"It is YOU who presumes to dictate rules, who takes offense at anything that challenges your superstitious beliefs in hokey snake oil, who demands your free speech go unchallenged as if you're writing in your personal diary instead of a public forum. You're repugnant."

Please ask your mommy to change your diapers because there is either a load in there or a load in your brain.
" "Elizabeth, if you persist in punitively flagging my posts I’ll draw that matter to the attention of moderators. "

It is not evident, apparent, or discernable as to who made this order, instruction, and threat to Elizabeth but it is entirely, completely, and uncategorically unacceptable to harass, intimidate, or retaliate against any contributor hear and if I can determine who here threatened Elizabeth I will bring them to the attention of the moderators so that they're rights, privledges, and access here is terminated, revoked, and/or suspended. 

jafreeman"Even though this thread has veered wildly from the original question, the evidence for the validity of using high-quality AC cords is overwhelming."
This is obviously, unquestionably, and indisputably apparent from the information, evidence, and facts presented here by various contributors expressing their personal, first hand, observational experience across a wide variety of components used in music reproduction systems.
michaelgreenaudio"I'm glad to see people getting past "If" and onto "What" are the differences."

There was never any genuine, sincere, valid question as to the efficacy, value, and superiority of some high-end power cables by those with actual, genuine, first hand experience using components in they're own music reproduction system. Some contributors have posted precise, repeatable, specific references to the exact products they have used and shared the results, consequences, and outcome of substituting these superior products. What has happened is that a few members of a noisy, tiny, self important minority have protested these findings while claiming they are the result of delusion, snobbism or mental illness and of course such accusations are without substance, merit, or validity and the moderators in their best judgement, determination and analysis have curtailed, limited, and restricted such vile, prosecutorial, and insulting posts. 
It is interesting that when any of the contributors here describes to a particular cable a specific sonic quality, attribute, or characteristic there is general affirmation, agreement and consensus as to the nature of  the cable, lending further evidence, documentation, and credence to the simple facts, truth, and reality that cables do indeed sound different from each other depending on the characteristics of the music reproduction system within which they are installed.

What happens when you plug an expensuve power chord into a cheap power bar that is plugged into a $1.00 wall socket?"

What happens when you put bicycle tires on a Ferrari?

What happens when you try to run Photoshop on Windows 3 with 3 megs of RAM?

What happens if you try to stream hi-res using a dial-up connection?

This stuff makes NO technical sense"

What this really means is "I do not understand how this could possibly be useful, productive, or effective and therefore I will conclude, pronounce, and proclaim that it is useless because as an Expert on this forum it is for me alone to decide, determine, and establish the value, worth, and benefit of every aspect of Music Reproduction Systems and if you doubt, question, or challenge my Absolute Authority I will attack, insult, and humiliate you in this public forum." 

that it is honestly debated shows it isn’t a generally accepted notion

The simple fact and truth as this thread has plainly shown, demonstrated, and revealed is that it has not been honestly debated there have been trolls, self-proclaimed "experts" and "authorities" who have infiltrated this group/thread to disrupt, derail, and prevent the discussion of the various options and choices for quality power cords such as the  Aluminata AC cord and there is universal agreement that these cords make a difference by those who have experimented, listened, and tested these alternatives with the exception of those who are blinded, consumed, and vulnerable to their own preconceived bias, prejudice, and delusions with the exception of those who lack music reproduction systems of sufficient resolution, signal to noise ratio and/or dynamic range  to demonstrate such results and the proof is in the many posts that the moderators have deleted and I have reason to believe have even banned from the group for their ignorance, provocations, and defiance of this forum's rules, guidelines and policies.