Why power cable effect overall syste sound?

Power cables effect the system sound. This is a well-known fact. My question is why.. specially in case of low power type "A" amplifiers where current is constant. In my single ended 300B the cable creates huge difference. Does it points on power supply PSRR issue? Actually in case of well designed power supply, the power cable should not introduce any improvement. We are spending hundreds of dollars for the 1 meter of cable from outlet to IEG socket where meters of cheap wires running in the walls and it does work. The answer on this question is puzzling me.

Showing 1 response by shazam

This is why I'm trying to take my system off the grid. If the functional nature of all components is DC in nature, why introduce AC and all it's problems in the first place?

Thanks especially to Samuel for some of the enlightening explanations. I think it validates my approach even more. Now, if I could just find neutral IC & speaker cables... ;)