Why power cable effect overall syste sound?

Power cables effect the system sound. This is a well-known fact. My question is why.. specially in case of low power type "A" amplifiers where current is constant. In my single ended 300B the cable creates huge difference. Does it points on power supply PSRR issue? Actually in case of well designed power supply, the power cable should not introduce any improvement. We are spending hundreds of dollars for the 1 meter of cable from outlet to IEG socket where meters of cheap wires running in the walls and it does work. The answer on this question is puzzling me.

Showing 11 responses by hifitime

>>>experiments for oneself--unless the point of discourse is only to make funny asides under strict internet protection :o).<<<=???
Actually it is unaccepted by a lot of audiophiles too,and we like to voice our side.
We tried upgrade power cords on the Pioneer Elite and Sony XBR to find no difference in picture quality.We use isolated transformer power conditioners on our gear and keep the power cords away from the other cables.I imagine this helps out quite a bit since we get some nasty power from our utility provider.Of course others will have different experiences.
The manufacturers had to give into the demand for detachable power cords to stay in business.I was told that some wanted to keep their hard wired cords but had no choice.The IEC connector used is disliked by many,including people that use aftermarket power cords.
There are also power cord builders that make a claim"UL APPROVED" that must not have any knowledge of the laws or products they are supplying.How could you trust them when they make a improper claim like this.Power cords are not "UL APPROVED".A popular company does this.
I have to wait until I find a good Playstation to do a real acid test.Then I might get impressive audible results.