Why power cable effect overall syste sound?

Power cables effect the system sound. This is a well-known fact. My question is why.. specially in case of low power type "A" amplifiers where current is constant. In my single ended 300B the cable creates huge difference. Does it points on power supply PSRR issue? Actually in case of well designed power supply, the power cable should not introduce any improvement. We are spending hundreds of dollars for the 1 meter of cable from outlet to IEG socket where meters of cheap wires running in the walls and it does work. The answer on this question is puzzling me.

Showing 2 responses by abronfer

The system sound is defined by system weakest link. I played with power cables and what I found that actually the sound affected not by line(phase) wiring but by cable earth grounding connection/shield in most cases.
Thank you a lot for answer. It was very well explained. The high frequency backward noise from digital source is well known issue. That's why for digital source is highly desirable to use shielded AC cord or some cable manufactures insert HF filter prior IEC socket to eliminate antenna effect. But I amaze to hear the impact on pure analog system without any clock source.