why performance increase after pause?

Anyone notice that after pausing, once the gear is fully warmed up and has played several cuts, it immediately sounds better and then after a while levels off as before? I have several amps and notice the same thing with all of them. Could it be the CDP, pre, speaker crossovers cooling down?

Showing 1 response by theo

Maybe the wires "relax" and the re-surgence of electron flow re-establishes the path as fresh. Maybe not just the wires but everything in the signal path as well benefits from a pause. I haven't ever noticed this phenomenon but haven't ever listened for it either, but you have me curious. I will say that the second side of an LP always sounds better after the cartridge has a warmup period.
Are you just noticing it on you CDP? Could it be clocking related? Just some random thoughts...but, isn't that what forums are for?