Why pay so much?

If you want to think cables make a huge difference in sound fine...but why pay up to $70,000 for speaker wire?

You can buy 38 lbs of 99.99% bullion silver for $10,000 or 4000 lbs of 99.99% bullion copper.

Buying a pair of 12 foot $5,000 wire is obserd it costs like $30 to make and WBT connectors are also highly inexpensive to make too.

Why do you guys shell out money on a clear fact that you guys are insecure about using low priced stuff and these people know that and take advantage of that.

How do you guys let yourself taken advantage of?

Showing 8 responses by randy-11

Not everybody is equipped with the same hearing ability.

Roughly true, but the issue is not whether you hear a difference, it is whether you think you hear a difference when you really are a victim of confirmation bias.

Assuming the OP is really a troll, he is making fun of such victims.
The problem is that components with no scientific or engineering explanation are being sold for enormous sums of money to people who do not understand the need for proper listening tests.

Personally, I have wrapped all my ferro-fluid pressurized cables in the special maple tubular veneers sold by mapleshady and it makes an incredible difference as long as I look at the wood grain.  When I close my eyes the effect disappears. 
Why can't each patient decide for himself what a "proper" test of a medicine is?


besides there are innocent people who might see some of the inanity here and waste their money
yes, the OP has a point -- Some cables are ridiculously priced.

it is easy to test too!
this thread is specifically about speaker wire and the OP mentions $70,000

who thinks that you should spend more than $10k on speaker wire to improve the sound in your system?

who thinks you should spend more than $1k?

and mea culpa, I have kimber on mine, but the dealer threw it in when I bought my Maggies and I'm too lazy to swap it out for zip cord
One correction to an otherwise good post:

HiFi marketers have [some] right to fleece a public begging to be taken... but that ends when consumer protection laws are violated.
Why not?  If you have already built the perfect listening room with the perfect speakers and an amp to drive them, and upgraded all your programming material to the best mastering.... then why not...

I guess because there are much better holes to throw money into - vintage Italian sport cars for example.