Why not use a piece of silver wire instead of a jumper cable?

Hi all! I seen a lot of comments about the quality of the speakers jumpers and how some people replace them with a piece of speaker cable. I replaced the speakers jumpers with a piece of silver wire. I can not said that the difference is notable right away, except in some musical passages where with the stock brass jumpers I could heard some harshness. To my ears with the silver jumpers the upper frequencies sound a little silky, not a day and night difference but still worth the change.

Has anyone replaced the stock jumpers with a silver wire?





Showing 1 response by audioguy85

Then why do some here crap on others for using interconnects or speaker cables constructed of silver or copper plated with silver? Never understood that, as My QED silver anniversary speaker cables have always sounded great to my ears. I guess Ortofon knows a secret or two as well, as in both the 2m bronze and black, they use silver plated copper wire in their construction.