Why not put crossover networks in accessible compartments?

Why not put crossover networks in accessible compartments? Seems as though speakers could easily be designed with easily accessible compartments that allow changing components. Does anyone do that? 
Open baffle loudspeakers usually have their crossovers on a board right behind the upper drivers. Danny Richie does his GR Research OB’s that way, and uses unusually high quality parts (Sonicaps, Mills resistors) to create them. In his Tech talk Tuesday videos, Danny takes apart mainstream speakers that have been sent him by clients for upgrading, showing all the crap x/o parts used in even fairly expensive speakers, and describes what he replaces them with.
Yes indeed. Stock sand cast resistors that sound relatively grainy compared to the Mills MRA or the even better Path Audio resistors. The Mills would only cost builders some $4 each, but instead they use $ .25-40 cent crappy sand cast resistors. This in $30,000 speakers! Spend the $4 bucks each builders! 
Because it is difficult to predict what people want we (Analysis Audio USA) decided to let the customer decide whether they buy inboard or outboard crossovers. Some people place their Analysis speakers in a living room and don't want extra boxes and wires. Others want every last ounce of performance and choose outboard crossovers. Others like to have the option of trying active bi-amping at a later time. Even though the Analysis chassis/cabinet is rigid and fairly well damped there is still some vibration. Being a flat panel speaker the cavity for crossover parts is quite small so extra isolation is almost impossible. There is a noticeable improvement using the outboard crossovers. I have demonstrated this many times to potential customers. Outboard crossover cost more. That is a consideration as well. We use Dueland, Mundorf and V-Caps in our REF outboard crossovers. Those components do not fit inside the speaker cavity. We let the customer decide: inboard crossovers, outboard crossovers using the same parts as the inboards and outboard REF crossovers. I understand why most manufacturers don't want to encourage their customer to redesign their speaker crossovers. Besides the obvious, technical support becomes challenging.  It is much easier to offer one flavor