Why no tube loaner/testdrives--It's hard being an audiophile

I just wanted to vent for a moment. I'm going to quote my wife and file this under "It's hard being an audiophile" as there is some absurdity to the fact that I view this issue as a real life problem.

The issue: 

My Primaluna integrated amp has 6 premp tubes and 8 power tubes.  While the unit makes tube rolling a snap, it's (a) difficult to find or at reasonable prices NOS tubes in larger batches; (b) reissue or new tubes cost a bunch to experiment with. 

For example, if I want to swap in a set of Gold Lion KT77 power tubes (I've already tried the stock EL34s and Mullard re-issues), it's a small fortune to do so.  I think the GL KT77 may be the ticket, yet making another expenditure to find out seems pricey.  I wish I could borrow a set and pay a tryout fee, as opposed to spending $400 on a set. 

Showing 2 responses by riley804

 it's (a) difficult to find or at reasonable prices NOS tubes in larger batches; (b) reissue or new tubes cost a bunch to experiment with.

you should have thought / researched the price of re-tubing this before you purchased it.                  I have passed on a number of preamps or amps that use a lot of tubes , just for that very reason.

@jbhiller .........not smarter, I just know what I can and cant afford in this so called " hobby " and spending a large amount on tubes is not one of them.