Why no Class D integrated love? (from manufacturers)

Unless I'm mistaken, it seems that Class D integrateds are not receiving the same attention from manufacturers as a whole. Sure there are the Peachtrees and NAD's of the world but by and large it seems the better class D tech is going into separates right now and that's somewhat disappointing to me. It's easy to find affordable separates based on the latest Icepower and Hypex modules but almost impossible to find integrateds based on anything but the lower end modules, for example the Nord integrateds.  Perhaps I am missing something? It just seems like this is an area that is ripe for some innovation. Anyone making "affordable" integrateds based on Hypex NC500 or IcePower AS1200 for example?

Showing 1 response by dobnbav

Don't you mean digital amplifiers? Lyngdorf makes the best digital amps and integrateds and you get the enormous benefit of room correction. Stop thinking of digital as Class D.  There is more than one way to do digital amplification and the ones about which you are referring to are much less quality sound and build. Bel Canto though is a serious competitor though you will have to pony up thousands more.  Frankly, "class-D" is much more a pro audio product than a consumer music product. Very different end goals and speaker mating.