Why my system has detail but no body & warm vocal?

My system:
B&W 602S3
Rotel RA-972 int amp
Rotel RCD-975
Kimber 4Tc speaker cord
Kimber hero interconnect

When I listen to Barbra Streisand or Lionel Richie's song, it has detail but no body. The vocal is thin and laid back.

What is my weak point? I am thinking about try Audio analogue Puccini or Arcam A75 amp, and try Arcam CD72 CD player. Is it a right direction to go?

Showing 1 response by kotta

Your system has bright spks, electronics and spk.wire/interconnects. First off I would change spk. wire/intercommects. Add after-market power cord to your Ra-972 if possible. Electrical outlet may be old and needs to be replaced. If these changes do not bring about desired effects either change amp or speakers. If you decide to go the spk. direction, Spendor would be a good choice.