Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Again, mahgister, sheet music was around way before Edison. Commercially available sheet music...hit songs of the time...

I’ve been involved in music for many decades as a pro musician and live sound mixer and so much of that article (and the responses here) is such nonsense it makes my head spin. By the way, "commercial" music has been around since way before recorded music in the form of sheet music for the millions of pianos out there. Look it up...and these days you can find singer-songwriters in "folkie" clubs who are astonishingly good and will not likely ever be as famous as Beiber but still get out there, the jazz world that seemingly few around here care about is utterly teeming with brilliant musicians, etc. Pop music has always sucked with a few exceptions, but so what? I listen to exactly zero pop music due to personal taste, and it’s really easy to ignore it these days...my collection of stuff, great streaming services...man...get over it.