Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Showing 1 response by deadhead1000

He's wrong, same old garbage that was said about music in the 1920's, 1940's and then the 50's , 60's , 60's , 70's etc. And as for RAP, I heard the same complaints about Bob Dylan lyrics back int he 70's, the older folks thought he was deranged talking about laying across my big brass bed (Sex!), act just like a little girl (underage sex!), blowing in the wind (drugs of course!), Weathermen, a name taken later by a terrorist group (See! He wants to kill cops!), crazy and disgusting music, never last they said.....

My older sister and brother-in-law hate any music that isn't 1950's type rock and roll. Which means many of the artists this author points out in the article that he says are great and classic, they can't stand listening to and think of it as garbage. It's tan opinion not fact. So just because he doesn't like Rap, it's not good music. That's an opinion, not fact. Hell, Bach would have hated Tchaikovsky. My Dad was in WWII listening to 40's music and couldn't stand 1950's or later music. And made fun of music from the 1920's as "My Dad's type of music. Horrible." 

What will be classic and still listened to in 50, 100, 500 years? Who knows. Especially this guy. '

Because you may not like what some music says or is about, or understand what it's actually trying to say, doesn't make it bad, it means you don't like it, Which is fine.  

Which is why I listen to every type of music and consider value in all of it. I obviously have favorites and ones I don't listen to often, but I'll try and understand any music. And I'll try more then once also.