Why Music Has Lost it’s Charms (Article)

I found this article while surfing the web tonight. If it’s already been posted I apologize.



Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

(...rather than waste space:  The Hives, Hate to Say I Told You So)

@mahgister ...If ever in your company, I will happily listen to your setup and your music.  Even if it happens to be here than there....

Just made a typo, 'hear' for 'here'....interesting, that... ;)

Classical forms were supported by the 1%'ers of those times and places.
They were also subject to rude crowds and fistfights post-debut....
Pardon if I don't see much differences, other than the centuries between. 😏

I listen to what sounds good to me, and repeat and mark what and where it is.

Sofar reminds me of the Roches...who reminded me of the Andrews Sisters, the Everly Bros., and other harmonic groups even back into classics...

Big Band I grew up to, along with polkas (which remind me of mariachi ), the crooners Crosby, Sinatra, Spike Jones....

I found the 'bubble gum music' of the white guys kept me initially from the Beatles...Fortunately.  The later stuff had some intelligence behind it... ;)

Jazz for awhile....listened to the LA stations, too early to own my own at the time.
A good move, overall.  Most, if not nearly all, were terrible to listen to then.

That changed, didn't it...the late 60's > 90's gear was a blizzard of available means to make music sound 'real'...more or less, just like now.


Currently: Classics thru NOW.

EDM, Trance, Chemical Bros.(The Test), Prodigy (Narayan), Sound Cloud, Spotify, and billiard balling through YT following my eyes for the ears.

Hi, @mapman ....Down with you on it....following my arc... ;)


It's either where music goes, or it's back to the logs 'n rocks by the fire... *L* ;)



This is relative recent and nice to my ears....


...but nice to work to as well.

My Walsh eat this up with room for dessert.... ;)

A good week to y’all, J