Why more bass subwoofer into power conditioner


I have plugged my REL 5/SHO directly into 20A wall outlet that is dedicated line.

As an experiment plugged the subwoofers power cable today into a balanced power conditioner Torus RM20 rather than directly to the outlet.

I was surprised to hear more bass.  The bass was same excellent tight bass.

I am surprised because would have thought directly into wall dedicated line would provide more bass.  Is it because the torus itself is 20A powered.

Previously I had plugged the subwoofer power cable into a non balanced non 20A powered power conditioner and found less power than directly into the wall...I expected this result ...

The difference is not dramatic but rather modest nonetheless puzzling as the REL stock power cords are merely 15A.

Showing 2 responses by grannyring

I have found the same to be true of the gear I plug into my balanced power conditioner from BPT.  More bass.  This is consistently the case as I change gear and the years go by with my BPT. 
It’s that something else. Even gear with voltage regulation sounds better, including more bass, through my BPT balanced transformer. I just finished building a voltage regulated tube preamp that holds the B+ at 325 vdc at all times.....spot on. Even in this instance the balanced power transformer improved the sound quality and bass.

These isolation transformer based units from BPT, CPT and others really drop common mode noise (Neutral to ground) and also have the side benefit of quieting mechanical hum in gear with noisy transformers.

Just like Millercarbon says the power cords themselves also deliver sonic impact and can also influence the bass performance of your system. I built two power cords exactly the same except one used a Furutech FI28 G set of connectors and the other a Connex Rhodium plated set. The power cord with the FI28 connectors was warmer sounding with more weighty and powerful bass. Now it can be argued that the Furutech FI28 G connectors influenced the bass quality by thickening and rounding the bass making it seem heavier and deeper. In other words, the bass would not measure any deeper in terms of frequency played.  The point is even the connectors influence the bass and sound......nevermind the power cord or isolation tranny. Interesting hobby! It all matters folks. The parts, parts quality, design etc... It all matters.