Why Lots of Current Music Sounds Miserable...

Hi everyone! I haven't posted here for quite a while. While going through the pile of "Professional Trade Magazines" I receive at my video editing and media duplication company; I came across a copy of "Electronic Musician". As I'm sure you all probably know by now, the vast majority of recorded music being churned out these days is done on digital workstations. There on the cover in bold letter was the title - "Make Your Mixes As Loud As Possible". So next time you get a CD so hopelessly loud and compressed it makes your ears hurt, just keep in mind that that's what music
"professionals" are being urged to pump out.

Showing 1 response by onhwy61

There are two self titled Santana albums and both are actually quite well engineered. It's possible that you've listened to a poorly mastered edition or there could be problems with the iterations of your system.

I think these posts where a bunch of old farts bemoan the state of current music trends are the height of hypocrisy. Way back in 1955 your parents (grandparents?) were pointing to rock as the downfall of western civ. The early Beatles/Kinks/Who recordings were all criticized for being overly compressed. You've become your parents!