It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


Showing 14 responses by nonoise

Show us how "dick" can be used as a verb.”

😎 see above.

You have my post deleted only to quote it. What a manly maneuver. 

You're way over your head on this.

All the best,


it should tell you I’m in China. Did you figure that out? 

It doesn't matter where in the world you reside as all posts are in chronological order received (CST). Do you think anyone fell for that? Like I said earlier, you think in funny ways.

All the best,



77 posts


@scottwheel no one is piling on you. You just want to push how you feel on those who will not agree with you.  Agree to disagree and move on.”

where did I say anyone was piling on me? What happens if I don’t agree to disagree? 😎 but please don’t try to tell me what *I* want. It’s obnoxious. You want to challenge the merits of my position great. Do so using facts and logic. But ascribing fake motives to me is a bit of a dick move. 

So this is the one you can't find. Tells us a lot about you.

All the best,

Nope. You started with using "dick" as an adverb on 11-30-23 @6:08pm and I asked if you hit your head recently on 12-01-23 @12:06 pm. I really didn’t wanna partake in this thread but your oh so holy attitude was getting too much for me to ignore.

No one owes you anything in the way of "proof" no matter how much sophistic effort you put into your flimsy premise that we have to be able to verify and repeat it for you to believe it. No one.

All the best,

Wrong. Neither tests report time limitations nor do they state the amount of time taken by listeners. You are desperately searching for excuses. The two tests were essentially the same. Now you are just making stuff up. Sorry that reality doesn’t fit your beliefs. 

Really? Go and listen to Darko's interview with Paul Barton and then get back to me. Until then, stop grasping at straws to save face. 

All the best,

@calvinj I couldn't agree more. Back in the day it was civil discourse and not like it is now. Sign of the time I'd say. Some have to impose themselves, be an influencer, and succeed at any cost. It's why I've dialed back my posting here. Way too much negative waves.

All the best,

and here is where you show us it’s about ego not knowledge.

My god, the lengths you go to to subvert the subject. In the properly done test, being blind, the participants had to listen over time and develop an opinion whereas  the other test was just a means to deceive. You're way over your head on this one.

All the best,


@scottwheel  The only one being a dickhead here is you, my friend. Your not knowing Barton was part of the original tests was born out by you when you said:

Actually Toole and Olive essentially did exactly the same test using speakers

Not together, not with them, but a different test that was done the same way.

can you cite the difference? My prediction is you dodge that question because there was no difference and you fire back with more dickish insults.

No need to. But since you seem to have selective memory, go up this page to what andrewdourin said @ 2:27pm. That is what I was comparing it to. That, and you sure like to use the dick a lot in all manner of variations. Grow up some, lad. 

All the best,


Actually Toole and Olive essentially did exactly the same test using speakers. And they published the entire experiment in the peer reviewed AESJ. This is a very common method used in many clinical studies. So is that a sad commentary on how science does research on human perception?

Did you hit your head recently? The procedure I mentioned was done in an appropriate way whereas the one I addressed was not. That, and Barton was part of the team you mentioned, which may explain your misunderstanding. 

All the best,

Nice description of a parlor trick. It's a sad commentary that people take it upon themselves to deceive others and at the same time, conduct ABX tests under their conditions and not the way Harmon, Toole, Barton and the other real experts did it back in the day. They just use their terms and phrases and twist things.

Barton spoke of how frustrating it was to do the tests as what they supposed was incorrect from the beginning. Test subjects valuations were all over the map with the first half hour of testing. Turns out they were listening to the room and not the devices under test (being an unfamiliar room). Having them acclimatize their hearing to the room took another 1/2 hour of rest before proceeding. Nothing was done on the fly, in short bursts of time. It was 1/2 hour listening, 1/2 hour rest, and so on. 

Then and only then did the results start to gel, to get a consensus. The test subjects were gaining much more accuracy and could pick out which speaker and which sound corresponded to it and whether they preferred it or not. After it was over, they had a pretty good understanding of what the general public preferred.

Did you conduct your tests in such a manner? From what you described, I think not. You just set them up for a fall that any hack street magician can do and has done since the beginning of time. Yes, the power of suggestion is strong but when used as a weapon, can easily deceive and/or disorient someone. It doesn't mean they can't hear things they prefer as that takes time (the thing you deprived them of).

All the best,

if nothing else you are predictable. I called this answer out before you posted it. There was no difference between the alleged parlor trick and what Toole and Olive did. Keep on trying to make it about me. You clearly can’t make it about testing protocols 

Looks like you're the kind of fellow who reads what he wants to instead of what's stated. The protocols were completely different. One did nothing but try to elicit unfavorable results, rejoicing in his deception (he never changed a thing), the other, earnestly tried to discern the preferences of the test subjects so they could learn from it and know how to proceed to build a product all can enjoy. 

You think in funny ways.

All the best,

How many times has this topic come up? I don't know about anyone else but I'm way past that and can give a tinker's fart about it. There's this phenomenon of some deluding themselves into thinking they're "influencers" and love to dominate others online for fame, relevance and money. To hell with them. They pollute all manner of discourse and it's getting worse. Spend more time listening and enjoying what you've got.

All the best,