It seems like when I see comments on high end gear there is a lot of negativity. I have been an audiophile for the last 20 years. Honestly, if you know how to choose gear and match gear a lot of the high end gear is just better. When it comes to price people can charge what they want for what they create. If you don’t want it. Don’t pay for it. Look if you are blessed to afford the best bear and you can get it. It can be very sonically pleasing. Then do it. Now if you are also smart and knowledgeable you can get high end sound at mid-fi prices then do it. It’s the beauty of our our hobby. To build a system that competes with the better more expensive sounding systems out there. THOUGHTS?


Showing 32 responses by calvinj

This is where I’m at. I don’t believe in randomly spending money on high end gear. I think you have to have the means and mind to do so.  If you make the money spend it how you want to.  But make sure you are getting your money’s worth based on your own standards. I have had experience with a lot of high end gear.  Some of it is truly special to my ears some is not. I love great soundstage with low noise floors with depth and width.  I want detail with musicality. I want it to sound live. The electronics must be able to deliver fast and must layer the music and instruments well.  I have a lot of requirements. I’m blessed to be able to afford what I have. But I didn’t randomly buy anything.  I researched the hell out if it.  I gained knowledge from people in the industry as well as fellow audiophiles.  I also listened to my own ear. Spending a lot of money on random gear will get you nowhere. I pride myself on trying to do a great system maximizing the dollars I spend. I think you have to do what fits you. Also some  companies do put a lot of work in developing unique great sounding gear. So pricing is up to them. You buy it or you don’t.  If it gets you where you wanna be it might be worth it to you.  MUSIC IS THE SOUNDTRACK TO LIFE! For a lot of us it’s our way of getting away and maintains our sanity in this cruel world. 

@gbmcleod @mahgister i agree fellas. A lot of people have no experience with high end equipment.  I have heard a lot. I have owned some. I have also had 1 to 2 extended in home demos that allowed me to hear and know the differences. Some see price and automatically shut down. Can’t do it that way.  

@bob540 imdefinitely understand your point.  Everyone doesn’t have a hifi store  near them. Some don’t have a show that is close to them either. That is one thing about our hobby some are buying things unseen and unheard.  Great point.  Some don’t have the ability to even demo the really higher end gear for reference. 

@unreceivedogma yup well said.  Plenty of folks feel your way and there is nothing wrong with it.  

@pickindoug i ask this question because I’m an audiophile first. I wonder how people actually think about this. People have a right to hate the high end. Just wanted to know why.  What are their experiences. What’s the mindset. Do they have certain concerns. Have they even heard Hugh end gear at all. How much have they heard etc to have the opinion. Will any amount of them hearing it change their mind no matter how well it performs. Just thoughts. I’m a hobbyist first before anything.  I love the music first over everything. 

@waytoomuchstuff we all are sound obsessed to a point but. Some either have more resources or will take it financially further than others are willing to. Our systems and gear brings us peace and joy. Some take it too far. But too far is always open for interpretation 

@waytoomuchstuff when I started in this hobby I said I would never spend x amount of dollars. Well I’m way past that now. But I’ve grown in knowledge as well as income. Music has become more important. Not because of the gear because it’s my getaway. It allows me to think clearer. It brings a smile to my face. The better it sounds the better I feel. This has been an amazing journey for me. I guess when those that don’t know you or your experiences make assumptions about you, your system, your expenditures or your motives it can be a bit much. But then we should expect it. The world is full of brash thumb thuggery on the internet. Can’t let it bother you. Why lip wrestle with folks that already know everything. Enjoy what you have and keep it pushing. 99.9% of the time you are arguing with people who will never hear your system or that you will ever meet in life or more importantly even care to know.

@jacobsdad2000 hey yes is I am both. But I’m an audiophile first.  I ask the question as an audiophile. I been an audiophile longer than I been both. I’ve been blessed to do well in my career. I enjoy helping clients find their way as audiophiles too. I say this because I listen to my rig daily. Brings me a smile. Spent years getting to this point.  It’s not just an expensive system. It’s one that I took my time researching, tweaking and carefully choosing the gear in it. Based on the knowledge I learned for years.  I only became a dealer because I truly believe in the designer and the product.  If I didn’t I would just do what I been doing. Just being an audiophile.  Take care my friend. 

@scottwheel thats good for you. We can agree to disagree. That’s perfectly fine I don’t have anything to prove to you. Even if someone did you are stuck to how you feel. Take care. 

@scottwheel i disagree. But I’m perfectly fine with how you feel about your audio experiences. But to tell us that cables and amplification doesn’t make a difference and that our auditioning is flawed is where I think a lot of audiophiles say that there is either hate against the high end or even those that have found ways to achieve those results for less money is where you lose me. Basically either you lack the hearing or experience to tell the difference is what most think about people that feel the way you do. I think when someone tells others that have been in this 20 or 30 years that it is simply flawed auditioning despite the fact that different materials, shielding , processes and building methods are used and that it makes 0 audible difference just doesn’t make sense to most of us and even in a scientific measurement camp that doesn’t make sense to us. I’m just saying. Not bashing you but the way you explained your points is exactly why we feel the opposite. Materials, processes, technology  and build quality make a difference period. 

@scottwheel here we go telling people that they can’t hear possibly what they are hearing. This is where we are. So everyone that hears a difference in power cords cables etc are being mind tricked or ear tricked. Ok whatever! 

@scottwheel so that deeper soundstage.  Airy decay. Tighter bottom end bass. It’s all human biology. lol 😂 

@scottwheel i don’t put much stock into folks that can’t hear the difference. As long as I can hear the difference that’s enough 

@scottwheel  let me get to the point.  Anyone who says they can’t hear a diffference. I trust that THEY CANT HEAR A DIFFERENCE! But those that do I’m more apt to agree with them and trust their judgement more.  That’s just being straight up! 

@scottwheel no one is piling on you. You just want to push how you feel on those who will not agree with you.  Agree to disagree and move on. 

@scottwheel let it go. Time to move on. The rest of us are willing to trust  our own ears and not yours move on

@knock1 been on Audiogon long enough to know you can win arguments with I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I WAS A PERSON! It’s all good. I just don’t care to engage with folks that don’t hear the difference that is clearly there. lol. 

@scottwheel 20k. Lol. Anyway. You are not interested in hearing differences. You wanna win arguments. lol. Whatever man. Look like most on this forum. We see guys like you on repeat.  Its ok. It’s not about cables that I represent. It’s more than just our cables. It’s many cables will give you a different sound. But I don’t have to prove anything to you. I have heard the differences myself. In my my system and other well put together systems. Take care. 

@everyone this thread has officially been hijacked by certain folks. I’m done. 

@mahler123 exactly. @scottwheel is hell bent on telling folks that they should trust their own ears! WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE? 

@nonoise some if the responses and repeated responses pushing opinions on people is what this has devolved to.  I remember 12 years ago when it wasn’t like this. Some people get so frustrated that you will never agree with them it gets personal. Wow. 

@coralkong now I remember why I left Audiogon in the first place.  One guy pushing his opinion on the rest on repeat! 

@scottwheel im done .   This is turning into too much negative energy.  Look I enjoy the hobby. I enjoy the music.  I’m not on here for the same reason you are.  I wish you nothing but the best.  Enjoy your system. Not gonna argue with you anymore. Take care best wishes. 

@nonoise yes sir.  Perfect caption. I love the music the way it takes the stress away. I’m old school. I watch my language. I may goof around but I’m careful when I speak to men. You just don’t say certain things. Old school. I like positivity. I’m not going to comment for a while hoping it becomes more civil. Take care. 

@knock1   @coralkong     scottwheel seems like he is the kind of guy on Audiogon that I talk about in this post. Hellbent on telling us 1. We can’t hear 2. It’s expensive so it must be snake oil. 3. We don’t know better so we must be told our faults. 4. We are gullable. 5. Double blind tests will prove us wrong. 6. They don’t have experience with high end low noise gear. 7. They are smarter than us and they are gonna show us what we did and are doing wrong. 8. They comment on how and why and the way we spend our Money. 9. They should tell companies what to charge. 10. They should tell people what to pay. THEY DO ALL OF THESE THINGS WITHOUT HEARING YOUR GEAR. YOUR GEAR IN YOUR ENVIRONMENT OR  HEARING ANY  GEAR CABLES ETC. THAT THEY ARE COMMENTING ON! 

@nonoise when start talking like @scottwheel does now.  I’m done. The language the overly aggressive commenting when it is unnecessary completely loses me. Someone trying to force their opinion on you so bad that they don’t see how disrespectful they are being to other forum participants. The sad part is that he doesn’t even see it. Most people on this thread have been doing audio 15, 20, 30 years and all of the sudden he has all the answers to all the audio riddles? GOH! 

@chenry great post. Great balance in the way you explained everything.  These are interesting times. A lot of work goes into product creation and bringing innovation to the market.