Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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Showing 8 responses by jl35

+1 czarivey .   certainly if someone wants to be a consumer advocate, the insurance industry and big pharma seems a much more productive arena than high end audio products...
almarg had a response to a cable thread a few years ago, speaker I believe, that was a perfect summary of all these endless threads, concise and exactly on point...look for it
so much name calling...it's an old debate,  dozens of almost identical threads over the years,  but seems to have gotten much nastier lately...
if you miss it, read one of the many older threads on this,  they're all the same...
I took the Pepsi challenge long ago...I could tell right away that the drink served warm and flat was Coke and that the cold fizzy one was Pepsi...
no idea why they ended the thread, but it's hard to believe that this or any similar thread,  actually changed anyone's mind about anything or altered any buying decisions 
to see those all listed on one page, and think of all the damage they have done to unsuspecting audiophiles...