Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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Showing 2 responses by clearthink

The reason that comments have been turned off for the thread in question is it should be obvious related to the challenge initiated in the original posting which was that socalled naysayers who claim snake oil and fraud should prove their case in court and reap the rich rewards they would earn from exposing such a broad conspiracy. They can not prove their claims no matter how loudly they assert their assertions that those who hear such differences as they deem impossible to detect must be somehow intellectually or genetically deficient as is evident to those who read the responses that moderators  deleted in that thread prior to closing it down. This matter should settle for once and for all this tired debate by those advanced minds who come here to instruct the rest of us about such matters as confirmation bias and other nonsense that renders insignificant, flawed, or invalid the listening impressions posted by the users of this forum. I am proud to to be the creator of this thread that has settled this issue so that we need not return to it again.
" To be cured though, required the belief that one would be cured. All religions are based on this concept as is much of the audio industry in the 21st century. "

This is nonsense and the very reason that this thread was closed is because it offered a clear and decisive path towards proving this snakeoil and fraud claim for once and for all yet those who assert this claim were unwilling to pursue this path and instead posted derogatory remarks about those with who they disagree so vehemently just as you have done here. So again I extend the challenge that those who argue that fraud is the basis of audio need only to take they’re case to court and this matter will be resolved but of course the naysayers do not engage that solution because they would rather insult the readers here as they proclaim themselves to be immune from the confirmation bias that they insist is at the basis of the fraud they allege! As for snakeoil being the basis of all religions you are obviously ignorant of the truth here so please go ahead and prove your claims about audio rather than just attack those here who do not think everything sounds the same but it is pointless to continue to just argue it here the matter has been settled your claim is without logical basis and that is why the thread has been closed your argument has been made and proven false!