Tube equipment may sound as good (Tubes do have the potential to create a lot of noise), but they also get HOT, and that's usually dangerous in households with kids and pets, or ME! Additionally, the initial cost of tube equipment is generally significantly higher than solid state equipment. Nonetheless, tubes have definite appeal. I was going to buy a very pricey McIntosh tube amp, but the thing was so big and heavy it wouldn't fit in my Solid Steel rack! Instead, I bought the latest model Rotel 1592 MK II and it has been great. It runs cool, has plenty of power, sounds clean (Class A/B) and has a tone bypass plus individual bass and treble controls, which I find enhances the sound of recorded media significantly. I should also mention that it was priced thousands less than the Big Mac. Would I have "preferred" the McIntosh? Perhaps, but I have no regrets with purchasing the Rotel. It does the job very well. It also has lots of connectivity options that the Mac does not.