Why is so much music recorded out of key?

As a guitarist, I like to sometimes listen to music and figure out a solo or sometimes play along with a song. My guitar is in perfect tune but a lot of the time the music is off and in between 2 keys. Like a semi tone off key. This really never happens when listening to a live recording, only studio recordings. I assume all the musicians tune up during a session and of course piano is already tuned to a standard. So has anyone else noticed this and can explain why. Don’t try to blame it on my turntable as it happens with digital streams and cd releases as well. Been noticing this for years. What gives??


Showing 1 response by bdp24

Some singers are recorded with the tape machine running slow, to lower the pitch of a note above the top of the singer's range. In post-production the tape is then slowed down to return the song to it's original pitch and tempo. In addition, some producers try different running speeds, to find the "feel" they are looking for in a particular song.