Why is my expensive streamer to my DAC better than sending Roon or my Mac directly to DAC

I recently upgraded to a Lumin U1-X and it really sounds great, the DAC is ARC CD9.  I was telling my son how great this upgraded unit sounds. He asked me " What does a streamer do, and why can't the Mac simple go directly to the DAC".

I was at a loss of words, other than I don't know but it sounds amazing.

Can anyone offer a better explanation? Thank you

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The issue is noise a pc generates alot of noise this affects the data going to the dac a purpose built device delivers a cleaner data stream


We have sold most more streamers and have tested vs pcs and the dedicated devices all produced noticanly better sound

And there are a few tricks you can use to make your x1 even better


Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect Nj

digital specialists


To add on to @audiotroy post (he sold me my first legit streamer, an Innuos Zenith) it boils down to less noise and depending on the streamer's output method (usb v spdif) better and more reliably precise clocking. A multipurpose pc is better than nothing and a single purpose device (like a streamer) can be optimized for the job at hand. Alot of small things really add up. best wishes.

Interesting side note the gentleman that sold me my U1-X replaced it with an

$ 80,000 Streamer DAC Reclocker from Greece. Ideon Absolute Stream, Ideon Absolute Time, and Ideon Absolute DAC! I noticed a big difference in the sound quality from this unit vs the U1 mini I had, which I thought sounded good.

The U1 with the X power supply has more bass slam, better detail, it simply sounds more lifelike. Also has really great powerful extended top end without sounding harsh. I just love it!



You can probably achieve similar result with Mac via DDC reclocker/isolator, i.e. Mac => DDC => DAC. Also, may need to adjust OS to make sure fewer processes running putting less load on CPU and fewer interrupts. After all, streamer IS a computer.

Streamer is a dedicated computer with fewer things running and less performance hardware, so less noise. Tuned for the purpose rather than for general tasks.