Why is my composite so bad?

I asked a few days ago if it would be better to use s-vid.. or composite, and the vote was unanimous for composite. As such i went out and purchase some ultra link matrix cables from a local dealer. But as soon as i started to watch a familiar movie ( Gladiator ) i noticed that the pic was darker and with less detail. Also the red "plasma" at the start was pixelated... and lacked the smooth transitions between the gradients. I achieved a better pic just using a radio shack RCA cable.

Just in case here is the equipment that i am useing... i know that it is not the best, but it is the best that i could afford on a students budget....

Amp= Nad 751
DVD= Nad 531
TV= Sony 24 inch wega trinitron

I have the composites going straight from the DVD to the tv, and have switched the switch on the back of the DVD to composite.

I think that should cover it... but if you need anymore information... let me know...

thank you for your time and input... it is Appreciated...

Brian: I beg to differ about your comments about "damaging your monitor" if using anything other than a 75 ohm cable in a video installation. Impedance mismatches are part of life and most gear is designed to deal with such a situation. I would not have recommended trying this if i had not done it in the past or if i thought it would damage something.

For the record, if anything were to be "damaged" in such a situation, it would be the device trying to load into the "mismatched" cables and the monitor. The monitor would simply try to reproduce the signal that was fed into it and the source would be the one dealing with the impedance alterations. Sean
I agree with Tireguy...burn it in for a few days before judging or messing with anything else. I switched from my old Vampire S-video cable to one of the Monster M2000 (or whatever they're called) and the picture was lousy at first...very grainy and pixilated. I noticed it getting better hour by hour, so let a DVD play for a day or two. It really did make a huge difference. That experience really made me a believer in "cable burn in". I always thought I heard it happen with audio cables, but was never quite sure if it was my imagination or not. As they say..."seeing is believing".
Pixelation sounds like higher resolution to me. If you can see the individual pixels, then the new cable is probably higher-bandwidth. If the pixels are getting smeared together, this is a low-bandwidth cable.
First off, you will DEFINITELY have to recalibrate your TV with component. Chances are your setting are askew to compensate for crappy composite, rather than superior component. The AVIA DVD, while a little pricey, is a MUST HAVE for any half-way serious videophile.

Second, you CANNOT use audio interconnects for component (or composite) video connections. Video requires a 75 ohm termination, and audio interconnects do not have this. You can possibly damage your monitor connecting your equipment in this way. Cheers!

It is quite possible that you may have to recalibrate your TV. If you have not already done so using the likes of an Avia or Video Essentials dvd, i would check into that.

I would also suggest trying some different cables in place of your "specialty" component level cables. If you've got some old audio interconnects lying around that are long enough, give them a try. I'm not saying that they will "kick ass" or anything like that, just that it would give you something to compare the performance of your "fancy" cables with. If you see a BIG difference ( one way or the other ), you may have to experiment around with different cables to see what works best. Sean
Sorry... just to set this straight.... i am using component.....the Three cables in one... i am sorry i tend to reverse the two names...

But i am using Component...

Zaikesman is exactly right the only other thing I will add to prevent a third post about this is, video cables MUST break in they will take a couple of days of play time(24 hours a day) before they can be judged.
I remember that thread, I believe you might still be confusing composite with component - two different things. Your gear may not support component connection however, so if not, you should use S-video connection if you can, but composite would be the last choice. Go back and reread the advice you got on the other thread.