Why is it so easy to tell the difference between live and recorded music?

I would direct you to Steve Guttenberg’s most recent YouTube video. It is a question that I’ve often asked myself. Any thoughts?

Showing 6 responses by tomcarr

Sometimes my Dachshund is fooled by animal sounds on various albums, and occasionally a solo vocal that comes in, but mostly she just looks at me and lets me know she's not fooled, it's still just a stereo...

In spite of my dog, I still prefer listening to my system than listening to almost any live event, (the exception being the symphony). 

My wife and I attended a middle-school grandchild's band concert last night. Dynamics/tone/timbre. Especially dynamics. Amazing really. Reminded me how inadequate my system is in comparison. Reality check. Sigh...

Have not, but have read wonderful things about the D2D LPs, and about that cartridge. Very special...