Why is everyone so down on MQA?

Ok. MQA is a little bit complicated to understand without doing a little research. First of all: MQA is not technically a lossy format. The way it works is very unique. The original master tape (Holy grail of SQ) is folded or compressed into a smaller format. It is later unfolded through a process I don’t claim to understand. The fully processed final version is lossless! It is the song version from the original master tape. FYI, original master tapes are usually the best sounding, they are also the truest version of any song- they are painstakingly produced along with the artist in the studio during the recording process. Ask anyone, they are the real deal. For some reason most people hate the sound quality! One caveat, the folding/unfolding process is usually carried out at one time by a dac. But some dacs only compress and do not unfold….I think Meridian should explain dac/ streamer compatibility issue. When your hardware supports the single step the sound quality is pretty amazing. They should have explained in more detail what the format is all about.


It is superfluous. It was worthwhile when bandwidth was very limited and I think that was the approach MQA was taking. I do not want to stream lossy  files

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There is no need to argue if MQA is good or bad. Like others said, make your own choices and pick what you like to listen that’s all. To me I don’t hear any difference between Tidal and Qobuz. I joined both and decided to cancel Qobuz. They have less selections compare to Tidal.

Let me give you one example, for those of you have Tidal.

Go search Grant Green, you will see the two albums called  "Idle Moments".

One is MQA , and other one is regular.
Hear it yourself, I found the MQA version has more separations. The other one is little flat.

You can compare them and easily tell the difference.


Well said zombiedad

Perhaps the definitive answer is that purists hate the theory behind MQA, while those with more open minds are willing to listen and decide for themselves.

The proposition that some information can be discarded without down grading the listening experience is considered a disgrace. Hence the purists hate MQA.

To others it is a reasonable proposition that at the very least could have merit and therefore worthy of a comparative listen.

In the end, it might or might not be possible to pick what is missing. Even if it is possible, the benefits are so amazing, the missing information becomes irrelevant.


official answer from senior tech advisor of Mcintosh

yes Mcintosh

we do not use or recommend MQA as it sounds muddy ‘

i have it on my email from 2 years ago and they still don’t recommend it nor will they ever!