iPhones... and MacBooks are great streamers considering the nature of what they are. I have spent decades using portable devices. However, it only holds up until you compare to a better source with appropriate amplification. I have used all sorts of devices from the iPhone to my Aurrender W20SE ($22K) streamer and each step up makes a big difference and is worth it on a system of equivalent quality.
Why is an iPhone such a good streamer?
For streaming Qobuz I have been using my iPhone 12 via lightning cable and found it to be excellent. It’s easy to carry around and use it in my garages or listening room. I previously used a Pro-ject Stream box Ultra S2 but that now sounds closed in compared to the iPhone. The Pro-ject was good when Roon wasn’t working I could switch to that for a local library and Qobuz
Associated Equipment: listening Room: T&A Dac 200 via USB cable Spectron amp vcap upgrade remote sense cables Legacy Studio Monitors
Garage 1 Teac USB player and CD combo Krell 400xI integrated Revel Ultra floor standers
Garage 2 Bose Wave with Aux input USB cable - will be replaced with a receiver Sansui 4000 B&W 605 bookshelf
can’t seem to get Roon ARC going yet since I moved and my listening room has no Ethernet connection and is a floor away. I have a Nucleus to get going again
Other experiences or better streamers?