Why is abusive, negative content allowed?

There’s a certain member here, I think we all know who I am talking about, who continues to be little everyone else here with their rude and condescending remarks.  He continually tries to insult and creat strife and division.  It is not healthy for productive conversations or for the site.  
Why will the moderators allow this poison to ruin the site?  They are turning people off from coming here and trying to start positive, useful content.

It’s a cancer that should be removed otherwise it’s going to have detrimental effects on this site.  Is that so hard to understand for the moderators?

Tammy is so incredibly helpful but I don’t understand why this negative behavior is allowed to continue and fester...

“Also interesting to note that of the top offenders I’ve seen... they aren’t here defending themselves. It’s a nice respite from them, actually. This is probably the only current thread where they aren’t spreading hate, condescension and general blather.”

Interesting observation indeed, at least this holds true for couple of posters with 20 plus posts each day. 
I never understood the parameters or standards by which we need to abide here.  A few weeks ago, I posted a hilarious thread, overly obvious not to be taken seriously.  I was dying to read the responses from the members.  And some did get through.  And sure enough, they were very funny.    But then there was one, one that got offended.  One little fragile flower that had to run and tell on me.  And sure enough, the thread was removed, even though there have been countless threads that involved very offensive and aggressive responses and behavior.   I just don't get it.  
"Analogy time:  if I owned a pizza shop and had someone standing in front of my door telling all my customers that pizza all over the world sucks, and that they are stupid for eating pizza, and that no one can really make a good pizza, I’d call the cops on him and have him removed."
Depending on the country, you might be disappointed to find that if he is in public space, that you cannot do that!  Just because you don't like an opinion does not legally mean that it cannot be spoken.

(And no, I am not defending truly abusive posts, but rather the fact that I feel that a lot of folks are way too intolerant, and instead of simply skipping that content or ignoring that user, they choose to attempt to dominate that individual with *their* point of view, which may or may not be any more or less valid.   My view:  Let 'em speak, and skip/block what you can't cope with . . . ).
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