Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?

Showing 4 responses by teo_audio

First one has to understand the complexity of the question. Which is definitely NOT in the OP or any other thread of any similar bent.

the OP may innocently be asking a question, or ...may be purposely trying to ignite flames, to zipper excite the minds of those who are illiterate and desirous of self improvement, and all chock full of projection.

Answering the question..well..it requires the person to increase their knowledge and increase their capacity to discriminate, and increase their capacity to ruminate.

The damned mountain ain’t coming down to anyone -- any time soon.

One must raise themselves to it. Or be left in the seeming ceaseless churning stew of relentless illiteracy.

To fight and work one’s way out of it.... or be rightly ignored, for all the correct reasons.

I’d be a bit more kind than that but some don’t get the message about these things. Today..I’m not in the mood..so I’m a bit more harsh than usual.

For the incessant repeat offenders..the haters..well..tell me, gather close..tell me some more... tell me all about your lack of hearing discernment...

As a cable manufacturer, your post above is very disappointing and disconcerting. Wish you would have contributed positively than resorting to such pettiness. Are you having a bad day?

How could it possibly be disappointing, as the hammer of projections and illiteracy, is, by it’s very nature.... relentless?

It’s like asking that I give all blood in all possible ways, to another. To give it and they don’t accept nor understand that they have taken.

To do so a thousand times over and when done, do it a thousand times over again. Without release.

And..somehow... if I don’t do so, I am. .. somehow ...petty and/or unkind.

The fact that I'm responding at all, means I do try, and I do care.

A person who refuses to listen and refuses to address the self with regard to increasing their own cognition.. is not worthy of being addressed. And invariably aren't.

That thing that most western people, in their very first semester of university or college, finally have to  come to grips with: no one is forcing them to be there.

They are paying to be there, and the projections of insolence, the desire to break free, the need to be against the enforced, the earlier enforced basic education system...to rally against the enemy, is gone. They have to understand that they are there by choice and desire... and to stop it with the projections and the ingrained behaviors that constitute their past.

So. Like the combative campus participant who refuses to realize this, they should expect to be thrown out and off the campus.

Like life it's self, it's an intelligence test, an awareness test, a cognitive test.
I have a very good friend who actually sells real power distribution systems around the world (think electrical infrastructure for cities of 11 million and then some). If you guys continue with this wire expertise, I will have to call him in for help.

I have the same, and they do it for major corporations, major governments, major government facilities, all remaining nameless..etc..and their expertise is in transmission lines, and so on.

And they realize that this bears no discussion. That the audio and music fan questions about audio cables are very very real. That the complexity of the question and answer set in ’high end audio’ is very very real.

So, strike that one down, unless your buddy really has no idea what he is dealing with or talking about....then by all means..forge ahead!
For the sake of this endless argument, what is your explanation to the difference in sound with different speaker cables?
Do you have one?
I read it (skimmed some) but Overall, I agree. At least in the attempt and direction.

The big however, in the equation of attempting to be the public protector, is that..in the given complex equation..x, y, and z will forever remain unknowns, as long as humans exist in the realm of possessing differential, or possessing individuality. The self appointed job would be eternal, and unending.

If there was exactly one DUT in all of eternity then all of it could be cut into stone and marked for the ages.

the number, the sheer number of possible equipment differences, vs the number of possible human differences, vs the number of possible combinations of such... makes for an equation that has possible differences in each individual case, that probably exceeds the suspected number of atoms in the known universe.

So, without the humanities involved, the engineering end of the pool, simply cannot achieve balance in any way...and finds itself floundering in a unsolvable morass of all.