Why flag a post?

Just interested, being here on the forums for almost twenty years I have never flagged a post. The function must be there for a reason though. We are all different. Are some just more easily offended, or more sensitive to the, at times, course ebb and flow of the forums?

Showing 3 responses by cleeds

I have flagged dozens of posts over the years, but not because I’m "easily offended" or "sensitive." This forum has some simple rules so that we can have discussions here - that’s the point of having a forum. Posts that are profane; racist; or ugly, abusive attacks violate the forum’s rules. They discourage or prevent conversation.

Everyone is entitled to a voice on Audiogon, but that’s a privilege, not a right; the First Amendment doesn’t apply here.

There a are a few users who take pride in the number of their deleted posts. Some will repeatedly post content that moderators have previously deleted. One such user was recently awarded a "time-out" by the moderators, so you won’t be hearing from him until his 30-day sentence ends. Moderators do that so that the rest of us can converse. Again, that’s the point of having a forum.

I know I’ll be chided for acknowledging my use of the "Report this" flag but please consider this: The deletion of posts is at the discretion of the moderators. If you’re unhappy that your content has been deleted, your issue is either with them, or yourself. And please consider that if you post content that is later deleted, you’re just making extra work for the moderators. What’s the point of that?
Just as an FYI, I haven't flagged any posts in this thread. That way maybe you can all have your fun.
Cleeds ... I believe it is you that is causing the extra work for the moderators.
Any complaint you have regarding the conduct of contributors here should be directed to the moderators. If you’re unhappy that your content has been deleted, your issue is either with them, or yourself.