Why Don’t You Post Your System on Your Profile?

Many of you ask others to advise you, but the answer to so many questions is system dependent.  Why don’t you post your system on your profile prior to requesting help?


Showing 3 responses by bslon

Lots of reasons given for not posting one’s system but I think having your system posted (including photos), your general location, how long you’ve been a member (your Profile) and Marketplace transactions does add credibility to your comments.

@speedthrills I used an iPad, that’s probably the simplist way. First, take and edit your photos. Then:

Click on your profile box, top right of the page
On the drop down, click Help
Click on Virtual Systems
Click on How Do I Create and Edit My Virtual System, print the pages
Follow the Directions

You can keep it private while you put it all together and you can save and continue (edit) building it later. Once you’re done, make it public. If you get stuck, you can go back to Help and ask Tammy (Admin) for help, she’s great.

Another reason for posting your Virtual…members can do a search for equipment they are interested in and if it’s listed in a Virtual System it will show, they can PM the poster for information and opinions. It’s a nice feature.
Go to the Virtual Systems page and type in the Search box.

@tomic601 thanks, you’re too kind 😎