Why don't we tire of music?

So, there’s a lot of smart folk’s on this site, and I’ve been wondering why people never grow tired of listening to music. For example, we don’t read the same book over and over, nor do we watch the same TV show or movie over and over.  But, we never get tired of listening to the same music.  Why is this?  What is it in our mentally that allows this to happen?  Just curious...  Thanks!



Showing 1 response by blisshifi

Some people get tired of listening to the same music. But your question touches on the balance between feeling and thinking. Most other media you mention largely requires more thought, except maybe reruns of sitcoms or comedy movies that people do like to watch over and over.

Music allows you to commit it to memory and just enjoy how you feel because of it. This is precisely why many people call it a drug, because the experience a particular song or composition can deliver can be consistent and emotionally resonating, even euphoric, similar to alcohol or other substances.

One thing I love about music though is that sometimes over time as my listening skillls improve, or my gear improves, I end up hearing the same tracks differently. New details surface, and that excites me.