Why Don't More People Love Audio?

Can anyone explain why high end audio seems to be forever stuck as a cottage industry? Why do my rich friends who absolutely have to have the BEST of everything and wouldn't be caught dead without expensive clothes, watch, car, home, furniture etc. settle for cheap mass produced components stuck away in a closet somewhere? I can hardly afford to go out to dinner, but I wouldn't dream of spending any less on audio or music.

Showing 1 response by jsonic

The sincerity of this post is a tad suspect methinks. Audiophilia is largely an elitist hobby. The prices of gear dictate that someone not in the higher income bracket can't play this game. The unenlightened vast majority of music listeners are happy with an mp3 downloaded cd in their ipod or car radio.
Ferrari's , Rolexes and Wilson speakers cater to the same elevate-ourselves-from -the common man mentality. In my younger wilder days I was reliant on outside stimuli to enhance my musical sensibilities. Now that I've "grown up" ,I've found that audiophilia is the only way to satisfactorily enhance music to the same level that formerly involved my risking chromosome damage.